

‘Go Ahead and Be Your Best’ My Path of Personal Growth – Powered by CII Professional Qualification

GMT+8: 17:00-19:00

Sharing Session by The Hon Chan Kin-por, GBS, JP  

Member of the Legislative Council and Executive Council Member of the HKSAR 

地點 – The Hong Kong Japanese Club, 9/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


Mr. Chan is a senior CII Associate Member and a widely recognised contributor and elite in the insurance industry.  CII is organising this sharing session with the aim of encouraging the CII members to gear up for creating the future that matters to them.  Our honourable speaker, Mr Chan, will walk through his life events presenting how he has navigated his paths encompassing his upbringing in his youth, his professional career development in insurance, his shift to the government official role, his commitment to professional development, and his pledge of building a warm and caring family.  We anticipate that this story-telling occasion will offer the CII members a lot of refreshing as well as energising ideas on what makes life count and how one can be in the driver’s seat toward fulfilling the life goals.  
