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CPD Seminar under Financial Incentive Scheme for Professional Training (FIS) Insurance Law: Legal Principles and Insurance Contracts insurance

GMT+8: 09:30-12:30
講師:David Barrett ACII
CPD: 3 小時
課程費用:100 港元
地點 – Rm 1501-02, Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Charter Road, Central, Hong Kong
FIS subsidises insurance organisations and training institutes in organising advanced level training courses focusing on technical aspects of insurance business and topical areas arising from the latest developments in insurance industry:
- Principles of contract law governing the formation of insurance contracts
- The concept and key elements of insurable interest
- How the law insurable interest applies to the main classes of insurance
- Duty of fair presentation
- The classification and interpretation of insurance contract terms
- Legal principles of making insurance claim
- Measuring the loss
- How the principles of subrogation and contribution apply to insurance claims