CII为香港本地会员及从业员度身订造面授培训课程、CPD 及进修讲座。
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CPD Seminar under Financial Incentive Scheme for Professional Training (FIS) Comprehensive Course of Insurance Principles and Practice

GMT+8: 09:15-16:30
讲师:Silvia Ng DipCII
CPD: 6 小时
课程费用:200 港元
活动时间:9:15 – 12:15 & 13:30 – 16:30(香港时间GMT+8)
地点 – The Hong Kong Japanese Club, 9/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
FIS subsidises insurance organisations and training institutes in organising advanced level training courses focusing on technical aspects of insurance business and topical areas arising from the latest developments in insurance industry:
- Understand the nature and main features of risk and insurance
- Structure and main features of the insurance market
- Main legal principles governing insurance contracts
- Main regulatory and legal principles of insurance business
- Aspects of ethics, corporate governance and internal controls